B.Sc. in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

To attain a  B.Sc. in Computer Science & Engineering, a student must complete a minimum of 143 credits of course work which typically takes 4 years.

The courses of  the CSE undergraduate degree is designed keeping two things in mind. First, knowledge of Computer Science, that is infused into the system through cleverly designed courses in sequence such as: Introduction to Computer Science (CSC100, Non-Credit) that mainly introduces students with a computer programming environment through Python as programming language; then, a more solid foundation on programming is given through introduction to programming (CSC101+L), and data structure (CSE203+L) courses where C/C++ is used a programming language; Eventually, object oriented programming (CSE213+L) is introduced using Java as the programming language.

The Computer Science & Engineering degree also provides students with an in-depth study of hardware to balance the software side. Students are introduced to classical electrical circuits concepts through CSE104+L course. Then, advanced hardware topics are taught, such as digital logic systems (CSE204+L) and their integration with analog systems (CSE210+lL), design of a computer (CSE214), detailed look into the microprocessor AKA the brain of computer (CSE216+L) and advanced electronic devices (CSE310+L). These courses will aid students build a solid foundation in computer related hardware. Students are also introduced with FPGA based systems in advanced electronics courses such as CSE310+L.